Using a Pure View Model for Form Initialization

In the new action of the movies controller, the movie property of the view model is set to a new movie, ensuring that the hidden fill in the form will be populated with a value.

To solve the problem of a validation error for the ID property, one approach is to remove a line of code and use the hidden method instead of hidden form and initialize the ID using a conditional statement. However, this approach has the problem of using a magic string.

A better approach is to create a pure view model for the form and make the properties nullable, eliminating the need for initial values in the form. This involves adding the necessary properties to the view model and importing the required namespaces.

In the application, the broken references caused by the removal of the movie property can be fixed easily using find and replace. In the edit action of the controller, individual property assignments need to replace the line of code that initializes the view model. The logic for initializing the view model can be moved into the view model's constructor. In the save action, the movie object is passed to the view model when creating it.

In conclusion, using a pure view model for form initialization ensures that initial values are not required in the form and eliminates the need for magic strings.

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