ASP.NET Web Project Working Method and Monitoring

Web applications are coded with a language that supports JavaScript and HTML. These languages can be compiled by the browser to make the project workable. The web application needs a web server to manage requests from the client, an application server to perform requested tasks, and sometimes a database to store information.

ASP.NET Web Application Working Steps are as follows: Firstly, the user sends a request to the web server over the Internet via a web browser or the application's user interface. The web server forwards this request to the appropriate web application server. Web server performs the desired task such as database query data processing and then generates the results of the requested data. Web server sends results to web server with requested information or processed data. The Web server then responds to the user. Thus, the process is completed.

A web application architecture has two basic components, frontend and backend. The frontend is the part that the user sees and interacts with. It consists of HTML, CSS or Javascript. The backend contains the logic of the application. It has a web application server and database server.

To create an ASP.NET web application, follow these steps: Select Create a new Project from the Visual Studio file menu. Choose ASP.NET Web Application from the left menu click the next button. In the window that opens, select Empty and click the next button. In the window that comes up, select Web Forms from the left menu, Web Form from the right, write a name for the project in the name field and click Add. To see it working, type <p> Hello My first ASP.NET Web Application </p> in Home.aspx and run your first application with F5. The text Hello My first ASP.NET Web Application is displayed in the browser window.

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