Okay the third exercise I want you to populate  this list of movies with movies from the database   also note that here we have a new column  called genre similar to membership type   genre is reference data that needs  to be deployed with their application   so make sure to populate the  genres table using migrations   now when we click on a movie we see the details  about that movie including the genre release   date the date it was added to the database  and the number in stock by the way all these   properties are required now let me give you a  few hints to point you in the right direction   the first step is to add a DB set of movie in  application DB context in identity models file   now the reason I said you need to add this DB  set here is because if the movie class is not   referenced by the DB context it won't be included  in your migrations so that's your starting point   next you need to add the additional properties  in the movie class this includes genre release   date and so on and finally you need to create  another migration to populate the genres table   because this is reference data once you make these  changes to the domain model and the database then   go ahead and make the necessary changes in the  movies controller and the corresponding views